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Proficient Reading: 40%

Distinguished Reading: 11%

Proficient Math: 29%

Distinguished Math: 9%

Library Media Center






Mrs. Paige and Mrs. Glaydelle Spear
Library Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Extended Hours available upon request.


Please visit Library's Website for more information.



   Log-in and Passwords for KYVL use at home is available at MCHS; just ask Mrs. Crowe or your classroom teacher.   If you like to read from your iPad or Nook HD, please check out our new selection of print and ebooks available through Destiny's Follett Shelf as well as Barnes and Noble.  If you have a Nook, MCHS has approximately 200 bestselling ebooks available for checkout and download to your device as well as a subscription to free books for your family members through First Book Marketplace.  Please stop by the library for more information on any of the ebooks we have and how to get started.



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 Reference Materials  American Library Association