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MCHS Revision to Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

Revision to Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
Procedure: Possession / Under the Influence, Use
1.        Being under the influence or possession of alcohol or other controlled / illegal substances while at school, on school property, or any school sponsored event is expressly forbidden.
2.       Parents will be contacted immediately upon verification of the violation.
3.       The student and parent(s) will be advised orally and or in writing of the charge and the evidence of the violation of the school’s discipline code and the penalty incurred.
4.       Students will be afforded procedural due process such that they will be given the opportunity to deny the charges against them, presenting their side of the situation. All statements will be written and or recorded and kept on file at the school.
5.       A statement of understanding will be sent to the student and parent(s) outlining the policy violation, evidence gathered and the steps that are being taken. This will be signed by the parents and kept on file.
6.       The School Resource Officer (SRO) or other law enforcement agencies will be notified of the situation. Appropriate criminal charges may be filed as deemed appropriate by said officer or agency.
7.       Students that minors (younger than age 18) will be referred to the Kentucky juvenile justice system and or Court Designated Worker. Students that are 18 years of age or older will be taken into custody immediately by the SRO or appropriate agency.
8.       Students will be suspended for a minimum of 2, but nor more than 5 school days, until an intake meeting can be held for alternative placement. Parents must be present at the alternative school intake meeting.
9.       Students must enroll in an approved substance abuse counseling program and be able to show documented proof of enrollment within 14 days of alternative placement.   Students must comply with the recommendations of and complete the treatment program.
10.   Students in violation of this policy will be assigned to alternative placement for a minimum of 85 school days. Readmission to Monroe County High School (MCHS) will be considered at the appropriate nine –week term or semester interval in relation to the placement. This is for the academic success of the student upon transition.
11.   A student may apply for readmission to MCHS after the alternative placemen provided said student can (1) show proof of compliance and completion of the treatment program and (2) have a readmission meeting  before the superintendent of schools or his designee requesting readmission to the regular school program.
12.   Further violations of the Alcohol and Other Drugs policy while students are in alternative placement could result in additional days of assignment to the alternative placement and or expulsion from school.   Evidence gathered in such an event will be turned over to the proper law enforcement agencies for possible criminal prosecution. 
Revision to Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
Procedure: Transfer, Procurement, Traffic, Sales or Possession with the Intent to Sell Alcohol, or Illegal Drugs
1.       The sale, procurement, trafficking in, Transfer or the Intent to sell alcohol and or other illegal drugs / substances is expressly forbidden.
2.       Parents will be contacted immediately upon verification of the violation.
3.       The student and parent(s) will be advised orally and or in writing of the charge and the evidence of the violation of the school’s discipline code and the penalty incurred.
4.       Students will be afforded procedural due process such that they will be given the opportunity to deny the charges against them, presenting their side of the situation. All statements will be written and or recorded and kept on file at the school.
5.       A statement of understanding will be sent to the student and parent(s) outlining the policy violation, evidence gathered and the steps that are being taken. This will be signed by the parents and kept on file.
6.       The School Resource Officer (SRO) or other law enforcement agencies will be notified of the situation. Appropriate criminal charges may be filed as deemed appropriate by said officer or agency.
7.       Students that minors (younger than age 18) will be referred to the Kentucky juvenile justice system and or Court Designated Worker. Students that are 18 years of age or older will be taken into custody immediately by the SRO or appropriate agency.
8.        Students will be suspended for a minimum of 2, but nor more than 5 school days, until an intake meeting can be held for alternative placement. Parents must be present at the alternative school intake meeting.
9.       Students must enroll in an approved substance abuse counseling program and be able to show documented proof of enrollment within 14 days of alternative placement.   Students must comply with the recommendations of and complete the program.
10.   Students in violation of this policy will be assigned to alternative placement for a minimum of 170 school days. Readmission to Monroe County High School (MCHS) will be considered at the appropriate nine –week term or semester interval in relation to the placement. This is for the academic success of the student upon transition.
11.   A student may apply for readmission to MCHS after the alternative placemen provided said student can: (1) show proof of compliance and completion of the treatment program and (2) have a readmission meeting before the superintendent of schools or his designee requesting readmission to the regular education program.
12.   Further violations of the Alcohol and Other Drugs policy while students are in alternative placement could result in additional days of assignment to the alternative placement and or expulsion from school.   Evidence gathered in such an event will be turned over to the proper law enforcement agencies for possible criminal prosecution.
Monroe County High School- MCHS
Monroe County Board of Education- MCBOE
Alcohol- Alcoholic Beverages includes but not limited to Beer, Whiskey, Bourbon, Wine, Vodka, Gin, Any Distilled Spirit
Illegal Drugs- includes but not limited to Marijuana, Prescription Medications, Cocaine, Crack, Crank, Methamphetamine, Bath Salts, Synthetic Marijuana or other Synthetic Drugs, any controlled, regulated or illegal substance
Look-Alike Substances- any substance in any form that would give the appearance of being any of the previously mentioned illegal substances
Illegal Substances- Drugs and or Alcohol
Possession of- A student is in possession of a substance if that substance has been ingested in the body, is found to be present on the students person or in their personal belongings, found to be present in cups, bottles or containers known to belong to said student, in their school locker, in their PE (physical education) locker, or in their vehicle if said student drives to school.
Sale, Delivery, Procurement, Transfer, Traffic- the attempt to exchange alcohol,  illegal drugs or look alike substances from one party to another by whatever means, such as the exchange of money, bartering or trading items , or the giving of substances from one party to another.
Alternative Placement- student will be assigned to the Monroe County Falcon Academy and will not receive district transportation.
Expulsion- student will not be allowed on any school property for one calendar year. Student will receive educational services in the home.